Margo Awanata

Masterclass topic:

Priestess Awakening - A dance journey to remember
Get ready to move, shake & dance with Margo

Margo’s interview was available until 10:00 AM CET on Saturday 20/11/2021.
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Unleash the Wild Woman - I want to invite you into a 4-week journey into your personal heart-centered leadership. We will shed layers of fear, doubt, judgment and other toxic patterns in your life that are blocking you from living your true potential and keeping you from manifesting your authentic true self. This will be a journey into a deep remembering of who you are and the grand empowerment of the wild woman within you.

During this program, we will work with the 4 phases of womanhood, 4 powerful archetypes that will help you remember who you really are. These phases are all within us right now. No matter what phase we feel most present or what age we are.

CLICK HERE to claim Margo’s free gift!

Margo is an excellent role model and empowering guide, a priestess of the modern times. She is an expert in creating a sacred space where all participants feel safe in their strength and vulnerability.

When she was only 17 years old Margo found herself hitting rockbottom afters years of dealing with bulimia and depression. It was at this time, when she was ready to give up, that another woman found a way in and ignited the courage that Margo needed to give it one more try. This time she told herself that she would give it her all and so she did. she would either succeed or fail. This was the beginning of a deep journey of remembering who she was underneath all the layers of trauma, insecurities and the feeling of being a waste of space. The journey brought her through deep teachings of Tantra, Shamanism and Priestesshood. In 2001, when she was 21 years old she started het first women's circle in her small apartment in Amsterdam. Right now she is traveling the world with her teachings and trainings. Margo is a mentor who is not afraid to go into the shadows with you. She enters into a deep connection with the women with whom she works and lets them feel that in the safe space that she offers they can really go into the depths where transformations can take place. She manages to take everyone to a higher level while she is firmly on the earth with both her legs. Margo is like the loving earth mother who cherishes and feeds and at the same time shakes off all false beliefs and excuses. She brings her teachings with humor and depth.

You can learn more about Margo via her website